Gas and Liquid Controls Ltd was set up in 2021 by Ian Taylor, after having worked in the process control industry for nearly 25 years for one of the UK’s largest distributors of such equipment. Ian’s vision was to create a highly personal company, selling products from a carefully selected number of manufacturers, whose equipment had proved to be of the highest quality according to his clients. Further to this Ian was keen to not just sell their products, but to get ‘under the skin’ of the equipment, so that he could offer genuine and useful advice on component selection and suitability for Gas and Liquid Controls’ new customers.With the benefit of a strong partnership from one of the UK’s leading thermal engineering companies, Gas and Liquid controls also has the unique ability not just to sell individual products, but to be able to offer design, manufacturing and assembly services for ‘turn key’ items, such as cryogenic cold boxes, gas and liquid control panels, Super Insulated Vacuum Lines for CO2, LN2, He and other gas/liquids, plus full distribution control and monitoring systems.If you have a requirement for any of the above equipment or services, we would be delighted if you contacted us – we genuinely believe that we are able to offer the very best of equipment with the very best service.