Cryoconnect div of Alpha 3 Manufacturing
Facilitating scientific research, Alpha 3 Manufacturing designs and manufactures bespoke cryogenic cable assemblies to enable effective operation in temperatures and vacuum environments, from 300 Kelvin (26° Celsius) to 4 millikelvin (-273° Celsius) and vacuum ranges up to ultra-...
ICEoxford Limited
Design & Manufacture of Customised Cryogenic Research Equipment
Oxford Instruments
Manufacturer of superconducting magnets and ultra low temperature refrigerators for research and industrial applications.
Beyond Gravity Austria GmbH
Beyond Gravity Austria (BGA) is the leading European supplier of Multi-Layer Insulation for spacecraft and globalmarket leader of superinsulation for cryogenic medical systems. The experience we have gained in more thanalmost three decades of thermal design and production enables us to increase...
Siemens Magnet Technology
Global manufacturer of Magnetic Resonance Imaging systems
Stratox Limited
Ultra-low temperature refrigeration systems to -150 oC. High energy conversion efficiency. Cryotherapy BioPharma and Biological Storage solutions, vacuum and material processing.
Providing 2K, 4K, 10K and 77K closed cycle cryocooler technology to enable research with out the use of cryogens. With global sales and service centres, we have the capability to look after our customers locally.
Wessington Cryogenics
Manufacturer of cryogenic storage vessels for nitrogen, argon, oxygen & helium. Wide range of spares & accessories available. Custom designs also available.ISO tanks, static & road transport vessels. PED / TPED / ASME / Other codes
M and I Materials - Apiezon
M&I Materials manufacture one of the most widely used vacuum greases in cryogenics - Apiezon N Grease. This cryogenic grease is specially formulated to exhibit craze-free performance characteristics at low temperatures and withstand frequent cycling between cryogenic temperatures as low as -273...
Green Resource Engineering Ltd
GRE is an industry leader in the design and delivery of cutting edge, bespoke thermal engineering solutions, including cryostats, SIVL/MIVLs, valve boxes, phase separators and bespoke projects.From its UK headquarters, the company designs, manufactures, tests and delivers innovative solutions to...
Goetze UK
Manufacturer of industrial valves and fittings ( safety valves, pressure reducing valves, pressure relief valves ) including cryogenic safety valves and fittings.
CryoVac Low Temperature Technologies
We are a supplier for customized cryogenic, low temperature and vacuum systems for a wide range of research and industrial applications. You can choose from a broad range of cryogenic equipment, open or closed cycle (refrigerator) systems, with the sample in vacuum or exchange gas, with sizes...
Wiltshire Cryogenic Consultants Ltd
Cryogenic consultant over thirty years experience in designing Cryo. Systems. Supplying, storage, and insulated pipe lines. We can offer on site inspections of dewars and recalibration of PSVs
Quantum Design UK and Ireland Ltd
Quantum Design UK and Ireland is an established and well respected equipment supplier.We specialise in advanced scientific instruments for research in academic institutions, R&D departments, and company laboratories across the UK and Ireland.Quantum Design UK and Ireland is part of the Quantum...
SK Wiring Products Limited
SK Wiring is one of the world's leading Thermocouple RTD and Specialist cable manufacturers. We offer a broad range of insulation types while our in-house Wire production and Calibration facility enables us to offer thermocouple cables measuring temperatures from -196 deg C up to + 1000...
Gas and Liquid Controls
Gas and Liquid Controls Ltd was set up in 2021 by Ian Taylor, after having worked in the process control industry for nearly 25 years for one of the UK’s largest distributors of such equipment. Ian’s vision was to create a highly personal company, selling products from a carefully...
Martec LTD
Perfect Connections for Mission Critical Applications At Martec, our hermetic solutions of connectors and penetrators are used for power and data, at the forefront of technology, offering the highest performance, quality and reliability where they are needed most.Since 1987 Martec has been...
Chase Research Cryogenics
At Chase Research Cryogenics, we design and manufacture sub-Kelvin sorption coolers and heat switches for both the scientific and engineering communities.With 30+ years experience, our growing in-house team of engineers and physicists work in partnership with both local and global business partners...