Dear Colleague
Below is a poster for the Harry Jones Prize from the British Cryogenics Council (BCC). The prize is open annually to both Undergraduates and Post-graduates who have completed a research project that includes a significant component of experimental cryogenics. The prize is £250 + two years membership to the BCC. Please put the poster up in your Department and circulate this e-mail to colleagues with eligible students.
Undergraduate students who have completed a research project in their final year, or postgraduate students who have completed their Master’s research project, 1st-year report, or Doctoral thesis in the preceding 24 months, are eligible.
A significant component of the research must include Cryogenics. The prize is awarded by the Chair of the British Cryogenics Council after considering the recommendation by the supervisor and the quality and relevance of the student’s research. The prize is worth £250 for the student. It also provides free membership of the British Cryogenics Council for 2 years for both the student and the supervisor. Go to http://bcryo.org.uk/
Case for support:
The case for support should include (i) a one-page letter of support from the research supervisor explaining why the student has been nominated and (ii) an electronic version of the student’s report. These two documents should be sent electronically to the Secretary of the BCC on or before the 30th of September: admin@bcryo.org.uk
Best regards
Chairman of the BCC
Professor Ziad Melhem
Founder and CEO
Oxford Quantum Solutions Ltd
31 Fogwell Road, OxfordOX2 9SB, UK
Mob: +44(0)7771843705
Email: ziad.melhem@oxqsol.com