Quantum Design Materials Characterisation Workshop – from Bulk to the Nanoscale

RAL, Oxfordshire,
15 - 16 October 2024 scheduled

We have pleasure inviting you to our Quantum Design Material Characterisation workshop which is being held at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.

There have been lots of new product developments coming out of Quantum Design over the last few years such as the OptiCool optical cryostat and the FusionScope correlative AFM/SEM microscope. This year we have two expert speakers over from Quantum Design who will give talks on the following:

Day 1 Focus: Electrical/Magnetic/Thermal Properties 

MPMS3 Base

DynaCool Base

Electrical Measurements-DC/AC/van der Pauw/LakeShore M91/81

Magnetic Measurements-SQUID and VSM

Thermal Measurements -Dilatometry

Day 2 Focus: Spectroscopy and Microscopy 

Broadband FMR 

OptiCool Base

OptiCool Applications

Correlated Microscopy: AFSEM and FusionScope 

Correlated Microscopy Applications 

Our Quantum Design workshops are always attended by those who are interested in owning one of these systems, as well as existing users. There will be a talk from Gavin Stenning at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and a tour of his laboratory as well as invited user talks. These workshops are an ideal opportunity for users and potential users to network as well as to meet the QD-UKI / US teams in person.

Registration is free of charge and includes lunch and refreshments. There is limited space at the workshop so early registration is recommended.

“I always very much look forward to attending and presenting at these annual measurement workshops.  They provide a unique opportunity to touch base in-person with our users in the UK and Ireland that other forms of communication simply cannot match.  In addition to my role as an educator, each year I come away with having learned something new myself that I can then pass on to our worldwide customers.”

Dr. Randy Dumas, Applications Scientist, Quantum Design


Randy received his PhD in 2009 from the University of California, Davis on the topic of reversal mechanisms in magnetic nanostructures. As a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden he studied next generation magnetic and spin wave based data storage and processing paradigms. Randy also worked with the Swedish startup, NanOsc Instruments AB, developing a user-friendly plug-and-play FMR spectrometer. Randy joined Quantum Design in August 2016 and his specialty lies primarily in magnetic characterisation of both fundamentally interesting and technologically relevant materials. 


Darius received his Ph.D. in 2023 from the University of California, San Diego on the topic of quantum system of indirect excitons. These studies observed attractive and repulsive electric dipolar interactions between bosons and the formation of a Fermi edge singularity in a neutral electron-hole plasma. Darius joined Quantum Design in July 2023 and specializes in optical excitation experiments.

See more at https://qd-uki.co.uk/quantum-design-materials-characterisation-workshop-from-bulk-to-the-nanoscale/https://qd-uki.co.uk/quantum-design-materials-characterisation-workshop-...

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