We would like to draw your attention to the PIN https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:560390-2018:TEXT:EN:HTML
The Water Detritiation sub system has a cryogenic distillation unit associated with it. We have a small scale one already here on JET, but the H3AT one is a pilot for the ITER plant. So a chance to be in at the start of something bigger.
The model that is envisaged is that contracts will be awarded at the subsystem level, but that these could comprise partnerships or consortia.
The PIN runs to the end of January and there will then be a market engagement day here at Culham on February 22nd, which would be a chance for potential partnerships to be forged.
Nanna Heiberg
MAST-U Operations Department Manager
UK Atomic Energy Authority
Culham Science Cente
Abingdon OX14 3DB
Phone 01235 46 4365