A Great Offer for the End of the Year
December 2021
Until the 31st January 2022, we can offer a whopping 20% off the list price of the M81 Synchronous Source Measure System from Lake Shore Cryotronics.
The MeasureReady™ M81-SSM (Synchronous Source Measure) system from Lake Shore Cryotronics provides a confident and straightforward approach for advanced measurement applications. The M81 is designed to eliminate the complexity of multiple function-specific instrumentation setups, combining the convenience of DC and AC sourcing with DC and AC measurement, including a lock‑in’s sensitivity and measurement performance.
One of the most unique features of the new modular Lake Shore MeasureReady™ M81-SSM synchronous source measure system is its patent-pending MeasureSync™ signal synchronisation technology. This real-time sampling architecture enables simultaneous source module update and measure module sampling timing across all channels, regardless of signal types for frequencies up to 100 kHz.
Because MeasureSync samples all channels at precisely the same time, it ensures that multiple devices under tests (DUTs) are tested under identical conditions, so you obtain consistent measurement data. In addition, the architecture allows each source and measure amplifier module to be physically co-located as near as possible to the DUT to further minimise noise pickup from ambient, thermal, ground loop, and other common interference sources.
Read the full article here
Contact Shayz Ikram - 01372 378822
Email shayz@qd-uki.co.uk
Quantum Design represent Lake Shore Cryotronics in the UK and Ireland. Visit us at www.qd-uki.co.uk