IoP Low Temperature Techniques Course

Institute of Physics London,
10 November 2021

This one day course consists of a  workshop of lectures targeted at people who wish to perform experiments at low temperatures (New PhD students, postdocs changing field, engineers supporting low temperature facilities). Covering the range from simple cryogenic fluids down to sub mK.  It will take place at the Institute of Physics in London

The Programme is as follows:

09:30 Registration

10:00 An introduction to cryogenics
Ján Nyéki, Royal Holloway, UK

10:50 Coffee break

11:00 A career in the commercial cryogenics industry
Harriet van der Vliet, Oxford Instruments, UK

11:40 (Sub) millikelvin refrigeration techniques
Jon Prance, Lancaster University, UK

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Design of low temperature systems

14:10 Low temperature experimental measurement techniques
Jonathan Williams, National Physical Laboratory, UK

15:00 Coffee break

15:10 Temperature measurement and control
Andrew Casey, Royal Holloway, UK

16:00 Close of conference

Registration by  4th November 2021

See IoP website for more details, fees and how to register

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