The Information below is reproduced courtesy of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Index of Material Properties
Properties of solid materials from cryogenic- to room-temperatures
Notes: Cryogenic Material Properties Database.
This database is a critical evaluation of existing experimental measurements on the properties of engineering materials at cryogenic temperatures (including room temperature and above). Equations are given for the recommended property value as a function of temperature. Click on the Material Properties link - above - to enter this database. These correlations were developed as part of a past NIST Standard Reference Data (SRD) project. The Property Calculators link will bring you to a set of interactive calculators based off of data from the materials properties database. Properties of cryogenic fluids can be accessed under the Fluid Properties link. The fluid property data are part of the ongoing REFPROP project, another NIST Standard Reference Data (SRD) project.