Monday, June 27, 2022
WindCreek Bethlehem Hotel and Event Center
Bethlehem, PA
(in conjunction with ICC22)
Instructors: Ray Radebaugh, NIST, Boulder, CO, and Ralph Longsworth, Sumitomo Cryogenics of America, Inc., Allentown, PA
Take advantage of this excellent opportunity! Dr. Ray Radebaugh, consultant emeritus, NIST Boulder, is a world-renowned expert in the field of cryogenics known to many as “Mr. Cryocooler.” Instructing with him will be Dr. Ralph Longsworth, from Sumitomo Cryogenics of America, Inc.
The course begins with a discussion of cryocooler applications, followed by a study of thermodynamic and heat transfer fundamentals, which are then used to explain how various types of gas-cycle cryocoolers achieve temperatures from about 2 K to 150 K. The operating principles and advantages/disadvantages of the three major recuperative cycles and the three major regenerative cycles will be explained.
Ralph Longsworth will provide a special emphasis on the Gifford-McMahon cryocooler including its early development history, operating principles, and applications. The course covers modeling, design approaches, fabrication techniques, and measurement methods. Millikelvin cooling technologies that can be combined with cryocoolers for cryogen-free operation at sub-kelvin temperatures are also briefly described.
Both in-person and virtual attendance will be offered.
Registration Rates
Earlybird Rates
(through May 27)
Regular Rates
(After May 27)
CSA Member Early Bird $355 Regular $380
Non-Member Early Bird $415 Regular $440
CSA Student Member Early Bird $230 Regular $230
Student Non-Member Early Bird $255 Regular $255
Website: https://www.cryogenicsociety.org/short-course-at-icc22