Dear conference participants,
following two years of pandemic and cancelations of various conferences, we will be very glad to welcome you to the in-person meeting of the DPG Condensed Matter Section (SKM) in September. The SKM meeting, traditionally scheduled for spring, will now take place 4. - 9. September 2022 on the campus of the University of Regensburg; this venue allows for all participants, in particular our younger scientists, to enjoy direct scientific exchange and important personal interactions, both at the conference site and in the historic city of Regensburg. Your scientific contributions are a key ingredient for the program and most welcome. We are excited by the prospect to see you here and look forward to an excellent scientific programme representing the entire field of condensed matter physics.
The conference will start on Sunday, September 4th, with opening of the registration office, followed by tutorial sessions and a welcome evening on campus in Regensburg.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you soon in Regensburg.
With best regards,
Martin Wolf (SKM Chair)
Sarah Köster (SKM Vice-Chair)
The DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) is organised by the following DPG divisions and working groups:
Condensed Matter Section (SKM)
Biological Physics
Chemical and Polymer Physics
Thin Films
Dynamics and Statistical Physics
Semiconductor Physics
Crystalline Solids and their Microstructure
with working group Magnetism
Metal and Material Physics
with working group Metal and Material Physics
Surface Science
Physics of Socio-economic Systems
Low Temperature Physics
Vacuum Science and Technology
Quantum Information
Working Group on Equal Opportunities
Working Group "Young DPG"
Working Group Young Leaders in Physics