We are pleased to invite you to participate in this joint European conference which brings together:
- 17th European Vacuum Conference (EVC-17)
- 37th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-37)
- UK Surface Analysis Forum (UKSAF)
- 13th Vacuum Symposium UK (VS-13)
- RGA User's meeting
Endorsed by the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUVSTA) and the British Vacuum Council (BVC), and organised by the Institute of Physics (IOP).
The conference provides scientists, researchers and engineers from across Europe, and working in academia, national labs and industry, the opportunity to meet and discuss the latest advances in the physics and chemistry of surfaces as well as their industrial application. It is a forum to discuss the progress of surface science in related innovation fields such as heterogeneous catalysis, organic molecular nano-architectures, two-dimensional materials and graphene, nanoelectronics, bio-nanoscience and functional and energy materials studied both using theoretical and experimental methods.
This five-day event will bring together leading experts, scientists and engineers at all stages of their careers and research students for a series of presentations and discussions in the following broad thematic areas covering all IUVSTA topics:
- Applied Surface Science
- Bio Interfaces
- Electronic Materials & Processes
- Nanometer Structures
- Plasma Science and Techniques
- Surface Engineering
- Surface Science
- Thin Films
- Vacuum Science and Technology
The regular sessions will be supported with a series of training events and courses delivered by experts in their fields. Furthermore, Vacuum Symposium UK will provide a series of traditional Short Courses.
In addition, there will be a trade exhibition during the conference, supported by manufacturer led presentations and discussions.
The IUVSTA-Elsevier Awards are designed to give partial financial support to four PhD or Master students (within seven years of obtaining their bachelor degree at the start of the congress) to help them to attend EVC-17-ECOSS-37 at which they are presenting a paper. For more information and to view the eligibility criteria and application process, click here.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Harrogate for EVC-17/ECOSS-37 in 2024. Please save the date!
Key Dates
Abstract submission deadline: 3 March 2024
Early Registration deadline: 19 April 2024
Registration deadline: 31 May 2024
See https://iop.eventsair.com/evc17-ecoss37/ for more information